Currently you can find matcha and Matcha latte in many places, from supermarkets to specialized tea shops, traditional coffee shops or through Amazon. How to choose a good Matcha tea? And most importantly, are all matcha the same? Well the answer is no! As with coffee, there is a wide variety of matcha qualities and below we are going to see the main differences so that you can recognize a good matcha tea easily 🙂

grado matcha

Types of Matcha:

Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea

A Ceremonial Grade Matcha It is characterized by a very bright green color, soft and velvety texture and a sweet flavor. This name indicates that the matcha powder has been made only with the fresher and younger leaves of the tea plant. Is he best quality matcha and consequently the one that has a higher price.

Ideal to drink alone and appreciate the flavors of matcha. It is the one used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. It can be mixed with milk or a vegetable drink and obtain a matcha latte of the highest quality.

Premium Grade Matcha Tea

A Premium Matcha It is characterized by a bright green color, light and mild flavor. This type of matcha tea is made up of second and third sheet of each tea plant. It is the second highest quality matcha tea. Ideal for getting started with matcha and for preparing delicious matcha lattes, smoothies or desserts.

Culinary Grade Matcha Tea

A Culinary Grade Matcha It is the one that has a less intense green, slightly sweet flavor, less fine than other grades of matcha. It is produced using the leaves closest (usually the oldest) to the base of the tea plant.  It is commonly used in pastry products and ice cream.

Apart from what was mentioned above, when choosing a good Matcha tea, you can also look at:

The origin: It is very important that the origin is Japan, both the leaf and the place where the leaves are ground. Within Japan there are also regions where high quality matcha is found, such as the Uji or Nishio region. It is very easy to find matcha from China and the quality is not that good.

If it is Organic: Another point to keep in mind is that the Matcha sea 100% organic. With this we ensure that Matcha complies with strict pesticide laws and organic food production processes. Look for the EU logo to verify that it is an organic product.

If you are looking for a place to have this fantastic drink you can consult our matcha latte cafes 🙂