Recently there has been a lot of talk about Keto Matcha and of Keto Matcha Blue, but what is it? and most importantly, does it work? It is clear that it is very striking due to its bright blue color and also because it promises to be a very effective fat burner (and we already know that everything that promises weight loss is very successful).

What is Keto Matcha?

A Keto Matcha It is based on the famous Keto or also called ketogenic diet. The beginning They are very easy, reduce carbohydrates almost to zero and bet by proteins and above all the fats. The body, not having carbohydrates, which is the main source of energy, resorts to using fats to obtain energy or, in other words, it enters ketosis. But the ketosis process is not as efficient as when using glucose from carbohydrates, you need more fatty acids to obtain less energy and from there the weightloss.

A Keto Matcha usually combines pure matcha tea powder with ketogenic ingredients, such as medium chain triglycerides (MCT). You can find a wide variety of Keto Matcha but if one stands out among all of them it is the Keto Matcha Blue.

Keto Matcha Blue Ingredients

A Keto Matcha Blue is defined as a powerful dietary supplement specifically designed for reduce body fat and increase metabolism within a Keto diet. As? Thanks to its composition based on:

  • Avocado extract: Rich in healthy fats and fiber that promote a feeling of satiety for longer.
  • Green tea leaf extract: Rich in catechins that promote fat oxidation and accelerate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Helps energy production from nutrients.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Improves energy metabolism.
¿Qué es el Keto Matcha Blue?

Composition: Concentrated whey protein, medium chain triglycerides, avocado extract, magnesium, calcium, green tea leaf extract, Vitamin B3 and B6.


Take a teaspoon of Keto Matcha Blue powder, 10g approximately, pour 250ml of water in a glass and mingle until it dissolves.

It can be taken hot or cold.

Take only one dose per day.


Keto Matcha Blue it may not be right for you. Check the back of the container carefully and make sure if there are contraindications.

Not recommended for children. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Keto Matcha Blue Review

Like any dietary supplement, if your goal is only weight loss, it is not effective on its own if it is not complemented with good nutrition and physical exercise.

In our opinion, Keto Matcha Blue can be a good complement to enhance the effects of the Keto diet and take advantage of a small part of the benefits of matcha tea (although do not expect to find the flavor or all the benefits that a cup of matcha gives you. matcha).

If what you are looking for is a supplement to help you lose weight, the first option should be to consult with a nutrition professional to improve your diet and lose weight without having to use expensive supplements with tons of ingredients that you don't recognize.

Remember that a Keto diet maintained for more than 3 weeks has to be supervised by a professional and is not suitable for everyone.

Keto Matcha Blue Price

Keto Matcha Blue you can find it on sale on the €39 for every 150 grams (original price €79/150gr).

If the normal daily dose is 10g, we have product for 15 days.

Where to buy it

You can purchase it at Web official or through Amazon.

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