What are superfoods and what makes them considered "Super"? Is Matcha tea the new trendy superfood? We tell you everything about it Matcha Superfood.

The term superfood either superfood It is not defined at the regulatory level on food safety. It is used informally to refer to foods that can provide a high nutritional value of micronutrients and other elements such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids or fiber among others nutrients or substances with a reduced calorie intake. All these micronutrients play a very important role in the diet to make it healthy and contribute to the proper functioning of the body's physiological functions.

One of the characteristics of the superfoods is that they are:

1. Organic: Much of the superfoods come from remote parts of the planet, with very low levels of contamination and free of toxins. By buying organic products we are obtaining products with higher amounts of antioxidants and minerals and lower amounts of pesticides, nitrates and heavy metals.

2.Raw: Many of the micronutrients that make a superfood so important are very sensitive to temperatures. If we expose them to temperatures above 42ºC, their content of vitamins, antioxidants or enzymes begins to reduce and the nutritional value of the food decreases. For this reason, a large part of superfoods are consumed raw, with almost no manipulation whatsoever, in order to obtain all the flavor and benefits that they provide us.

Within the superfoods we find the matcha, this bright green powder, originally from Japan, which provides us with a lot of benefits for our health and which in recent years has earned a place in cafes and also in our homes.

But, what is it about Matcha that makes it so special? Unlike other teas, which are taken infused in water, matcha HE consumes the entire leaf ground into a fine powder and, therefore, gives us more nutrients and antioxidants. To give some examples, Matcha gives us 6 times more antioxidants that goji berries and 5 times more chlorophyll than a cup of tea. The amount of caffeine is much less than in coffee but it contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that It helps relaxation, reduces stress levels and gives us energy.

We must not forget that, like any tea, this also contains theine, which can influence the quality and duration of the tea. dream. Therefore, it is recommended that the last cup be taken at least 5-6 hours before going to sleep, depending on your sensitivity to the protein.

Matcha tea: benefits and properties

Leading a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet is essential for good health.

Do you want to incorporate more superfoods into your diet? These are the most interesting and easiest to enhance your dishes and your health!

Broccoli, spinach, oily fish, pomegranate, avocado, berries and red fruits, miso, turmeric or ginger.